I there was one thing that I could wish for, it would be to speed this seems-like-never-ending week up. It's STILL thursday. Ideally I would have been very happy, considering tomorrow is friday. But saturday is a school day. I've had a pretty productive week in terms of socialising. You thought i'd talk about personal growth and achieving concrete goals? Yeah, I had planned on that. But I missed my yoga class. So I took one with Mathira instead. After five minutes of “girls inhale deeply..be confident...stick your chests out...be sexy”, I realised that what I was being instructed to do was probably what landed Mathira her after-hours tv show host job. So I respecfully..silently...gracefully...stood up and walked away. I'm sorry but I'd prefer not to be sexy, Mathira. Also, wearing shorts over tights with 4 inch high boots kind of gave the fake-yoga away...
I spent most of my week doing something or the other related to aiesec. I'm pretty sad our chinese interns are leaving..i really bonded well with them. They were really nice, fun people. But like one of them told me at the farewell party, “some of us are just strangers who crossed paths. Maybe we can walk the same paths some day soon.” its always sad to see people who you get attached to, leave. You wonder whether you'll ever see them again in your lifetime...and even if you do, will the moment feel like it does right now? Will I be able to be the same way with them in 10 years? There are somethings you'll never know unless you actually experience them yourself. Anyways...the farewell party(s) were great. We chilled on the intern-house roof, obsessed over the camera, ordered food...it was fun. I hadn't hung out with many of the people there for a long time so it was great to meet everyone.
The winter season is over and it sucks. It means: oily skin, sweat, shooting deodorant sales (or shooting air freshner sales in many cases), tans...and ….a suffocating burst of lawn exhibitions. Nomi ansari had his opening today near do talwar..i wanted to go so I passed by only to see that it was closed for lunch...and there were 10 aunties screaming their lungs out at one of the organisers. Typical, I thought. This happened last year as well. I remember hearing stories of women physically FIGHTING over clothes. Really...? =s so anyways, I thought it was best that I came back at some other time when there wasn't as big a rush. But I hear his prints are good so i'll definitely go back to check them out.
School is so much better this semester. This week has been a little tiring because i've been so sleepy during classes. During my theories of lifespan and development class, we started a chapter on infancy and “babyhood”. I found it very awkward when my teacher opened the powerpoint...why?...on every slide there were ONLY pictures of babies making out. Say WHAT?! My teacher also pronounces sperm as “sprum”. Which reminds me that my friend's sister had a baby boy this monday. Was that related or am I weird? =s
wow. I think I have a quiz tomorrow. Yeah, this is how I motivate myself. Which reminds me that I made a motivational page on the back of the front cover of my school notebook: I made a list of all the things I will and will not do this semester. So whenever I feel like my motivation is slipping, i'll just flip to the first page, go through the list and,..hopefully...just hopefully, regain my focus.
so...i think it would be a good time to do JUST that, right now. Considering I have a management quiz in the morning and I don't feel like studying.
ps: i took ogx candidates' interviews today. i faked a crying outburst/meltdown. i think i scandalised the guy. oh well. he has to learn how to handle a crying girl one day or the other right?
Study, sara...STUDY.
More later. :)
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